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11 October 2024

Delft female impact community: annual event inspires Delft women in engineering

Delft female impact community: annual event inspires Delft women in engineering

The Delft Female Impact Community once again brought together its powerful network at the annual alumnae event on 10 October 2024 at TU Delft. With a full house of close to 200 alumni in attendance, this year’s theme, ‘Women for Water’, shined a light on one of the most pressing global challenges — access to clean water.

11 October 2024

Delft scientists discover how innate immunity envelops bacteria

Delft scientists discover how innate immunity envelops bacteria

The protein GBP1 is a vital component of our body’s natural defence against pathogens. This substance fights against bacteria and parasites by enveloping them in a protein coat, but how the substance manages to do this has remained unknown until now. Researchers from Delft University of Technology have now unravelled how this protein operates. This new knowledge, published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, could aid in the development of medications and therapies for individuals with weakened immune systems.

10 October 2024

TU Delft secures 56th place in THE rankings

TU Delft secures 56th place in THE rankings

10 October 2024

New 3D Printing Technique by TU Delft and MIT

New 3D Printing Technique by TU Delft and MIT

Researchers at Delft University of Technology and MIT have developed a novel 3D printing technique called Speed-Modulated Ironing, enabling high-resolution surface textures and colour gradients using just a single material. By using one nozzle to 3D print and the second nozzle to re-heat printed areas at varying speeds, the team controls colour and texture of temperature-responsive materials. The work is presented at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST).

08 October 2024

BK-Archiprix selection 2025 announced

BK-Archiprix selection 2025 announced

During the festive closing ceremony on 8 October, the nine participants for the National Archiprix 2025 were officially announced. The carefully selected projects, chosen by a jury, will compete in this prestigious competition for talented young designers. The National Archiprix annually showcases the best emerging design talent in the Netherlands and will be on display at our faculty in March.

04 October 2024

PRIMA selected as candidate for NASA’s Probe mission

PRIMA selected as candidate for NASA’s Probe mission

Out of the eight projects that competed to become NASA's Probe mission, only two remain. The Probe far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics (PRIMA) and the Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite (AXiS) have been selected for the second round. SRON delivers the detectors for PRIMA, developed together with TU Delft.

01 October 2024

Quarterly report to education inspectorate

Quarterly report to education inspectorate

Together, we build a safer working environment at TU Delft. Each month, we reflect on the previous month: what actions were taken as part of the Plan for Change, and we look ahead to the upcoming month: what's on the agenda.

27 September 2024

First-ever imaging of pathogens on lettuce leaves in real-time

First-ever imaging of pathogens on lettuce leaves in real-time

Met een groeiende wereldbevolking van meer dan 8 miljard mensen is voldoende voedsel produceren een uitdaging. Nederland is ‘s werelds tweede exporteur van voedsel en verbouwt enorm efficiënt allerlei gewassen. Plantenziektes zoals valse meeldauw zijn echter een veelvoorkomend probleem dat de oogst van de boer flink kan bederven. Delftse wetenschappers hebben voor het eerst een manier ontwikkeld om de infectie in planten real-time te volgen, zonder de plant te hoeven doden. De hiermee opgedane kennis helpt om nieuwe resistente gewassen te kweken met een hogere opbrengst en minder gebruik van pesticiden. Het onderzoek staat nu in Nature Communications.

27 September 2024

Researchers from TU Delft and Cambridge University collaborate on innovative methods to combat Climate Change

Researchers from TU Delft and Cambridge University collaborate on innovative methods to combat Climate Change

26 September 2024

11,000 young researchers have obtained a PhD from TU Delft

11,000 young researchers have obtained a PhD from TU Delft

It was a very memorable day for PhD Amey Vasulkar last Thursday, the 19th of September. Not only did he successfully defend his promotion on Arctic Sea Ice in Tide Models, but he was also the 11,000th student to obtain a PhD from TU Delft. We are incredibly proud of and thankful for every single one of these 11,000 PhDs who started their scientific journey with us and continuously strive to change the world through their scientific innovations.