Almost 4 billion euro for TU Delft Growth Fund projects

News - 15 April 2022 - Webredactie

Thursday April 14, the Dutch Cabinet has announced the National Growth Fund investments. Fifteen projects in which the TU Delft is involved will receive a total funding of almost 4 billion euro*.  Tim van der Hagen, President of the Board and Rector Magnificus of TU Delft, is very pleased by the outcome. “At TU Delft campus, we develop the essential new ideas, technologies and applications, together with industry partners, government agencies and other knowledge institutes. Not only for sustainable aviation and green hydrogen, but also for other important themes such as biotech, cellular agriculture, and sustainable materials. Thanks to the investments of the Growth Fund, we can accelerate the necessary transitions in all these domains.”

Projects in which CEG is involved

Sustainable MaterialsNL

Scaling up of innovations in sustainable materials enables the energy transition and offers solutions for sustainability questions, while also offering economic opportunities. Establishing a sustainable future requires innovative solutions to curb CO2 emissions and reduce material waste – with a key role for functional, sustainable and circular materials innovations. The materials transition is a shift to the economically viable production and use of sustainable and 100% circular materials that have new and enhanced functionalities. The Netherlands has an excellent starting position. Committing ourselves to this transition now offers large economic and societal opportunities.

For this project, the Growth Fund conditionally allocates up to €200 million to the plastic part.*

Future-proof living environment: Transition to Emission-free, Circular and Climate-proof Buildings and Infrastructure

The design, building and engineering sectors are characterised by traditional working methods, a wide diversity in the parties involved, and strong fragmentation. These characteristics are detrimental to tackling the ever more complex challenges in housing construction, renovation and the maintenance and management of infrastructure, taking into account the aspirations of both citizens and commissioning parties. This Growth Fund project will break down existing barriers to build a functioning and self-sustaining ecosystem in which parties continually collaborate and produce innovative technologies, services and tendering procedures.

For this project, the Growth Fund has made a reservation up to 100 million euros.**

Read more information about the TU Delft Growth Fund projects.

*The amount stipulated includes conditional funding. In case of conditional funding, the consortium that submitted the project proposal has been asked to submit additional information prior to the final decision being made.
***bron: Nationaal Groeifonds overzicht ‘Gehonoreerde projecten tweede ronde’ 14 april 2022 (only in Dutch available)