Exhibition Data traces: from clay tablets to bits

News - 01 June 2021 - Webredactie

From June 5, 2021, the exhibition 'Bits of You' will be on display at The Studio in Amsterdam. In Bits of You you will experience how the data traces that we leave behind us every day affect our lives. Immerse yourself in a whirlpool of data rings, browse through a gender recognition algorithm and experience the influence of a digital profile. The Studio is an additional location of NEMO with programming for adults on the Marine Park in Amsterdam.

TU CEG contribution
Ellen Meijvogel and Dominique Ngan-Tillard had a contribution to the NEMO interactive exhibition for adults on personal data". Dominique explains: "We scanned and prepared 3D prints of a 4500 years old clay tablet of the NINO collection selected by Willemijn van der Waal, the director of NINO. The tablet lists names of land plots and owners. The 3D prints will be exhibited next to the real NINO tablet. The event fits well with our newly awarded workshop at the Lorentz Center: Securing Data in Mesopotamia: New Technologies for Secured Cuneiform Texts".