NWO START-UP grant for Carlas Smith

News - 23 August 2018 - Webredactie 3ME

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO , has awarded almost 3 million euros to seven recently appointed principal investigators in physics and chemistry. One of the laureates of these so-called ‘START-UP’ grants is Carlas Smith, assistent professor bij het Smart Optics lab van Delft Center for Systems and Control and expert in the area of Imaging Physics.

Towards imaging in living tissue at a resolution of 1 nanometre
Carlas Smith proposes a new way of overcoming the diffraction limit, so that nanoscopy can be made available as a general tool for the imaging of living tissue. The technology is based on the formation of ultra-small points in time and space that penetrate deep into the tissue and reveal structures at a nanometre resolution.

Recently Carlas Smith has also been awarded a Veni grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Read more here.

START-UP is intended for recently appointed associate, assistant or full professors in physics and chemistry. With the START-UP grant, these researchers can elaborate creative, risky ideas within the focus areas of the Physics and Chemistry sector plan.