X. (Xuhui) Liang
Xuhui Liang is a PhD researcher in Section Materials and Environment, TU Delft. Currently, his proposed project is MSWI bottom ash, supervised by Dr. Guang Ye. He obtained bachelor degree from School of Chemisry and Chemical Engineering, Guizhou University, China in 2015. At the same year he received postgraduate recommendation and started his master in Collegel of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University. His Master project was about modification of β-phosphogypsum and preparation of self-leveling screeds. In 2018, he received master degree, and started working as a PhD researcher in TU delft, supported by China Scholarship Council (CSC).
Municipal solid waste is treated in incineration plants to reduce the volume, the toxicity and the reactivity of the waste. MSWI bottom ash is the residue after the solid incineration. The goal of the project is to explore the possibilities to upgrade the MSWI bottom ash to be used as binder, filler, or aggregate in concrete production, where the alkali activation technology can be applied.

Xuhui Liang
PhD candidate
- + 31 (0)6 3348 2821
- X.Liang-1@tudelft.nl
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Building 23
Room: 6.06
Monday to Friday
Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md)
Materials and Environment
Chair / Research:
Concrete Modelling and Materials Behaviour
Jacqueline van Unen-Bergenhenegouwen