G. (Guilherme) da Silva Munhoz, MSc
Hi! My name is Guilherme, and I am from Brazil. I graduated as a civil engineer from UNIVALI in July/2017 (senior thesis on structural fire design); I have a minor in quality management from Stevens Institute of Technology (2014/2015); In March/2020, at UFPR, I finished my Master's in civil construction (thesis on mortars self-healing); lastly, I worked at the State Department of Highways and studied about Public Construction and Projects in the specialization at UEPG.
FEB/2012 – JUL/2017 Itajaí Valley University (UNIVALI): Bachelor in civil engineering, President of the civil engineering student organization, Speaker, Student representative, Senior thesis on structural fire design. Intern at Koepsel+Matta Architecture & Engineering (AUG/2015 – JUL/2016) and RKS Structural Engineering (JUL/2016 – SEP/2017);
AUG/2014 – AUG/2015 Stevens Institute of Technology: Exchange student, Minor in quality management, Research assistant in the development of a wireless steel corrosion detector based on the technology of piezo materials;
SEP/2017 – FEB/2018 inFlux Language School: Teacher of English as a second language (ESL) for teens and adults from different levels;
FEB/2018 – MAR/2020 Federal University of Paraná (UFPR): Master in civil construction, Member of the research group on building pathology and rehabilitation, Teaching assistant, Speaker, Workshop lecturer;
OCT/2020 – FEB/2021 State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG): Student in the specialization course on Public Construction and Projects (professional ethics, public administration, bidding of construction and engineering projects);
OCT/2020 – FEB/2021 Parana State Department of Highways (DER/PR): Technical assistant in the Traffic Engineering and Road Safety Office (lane domain, accidents management, map design, traffic management of special trucks).
MAR/2021 Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft): PhD student in the Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3MD) Department, Section of Materials and Environment.
My Ph.D. program is entitled “Experimental study and numerical simulation of the transport properties and volume stability of lime mortars at micro-scale and meso-scale”. It is part of the Sublime (Sustainable building lime applications via circular economy and biomimetic approaches) initiative, and it proposes a framework for simulating physical/mechanical properties and a better understanding of the volume stability of lime mortars. My last study was about the improved autogenous mortar self-healing in the alkali-aggregate reaction.
Title: Effect of improved autogenous mortar self-healing in the alkali-aggregate reaction
Publisher: Cement and Concrete Composites | Elsevier 2021
Authors: Guilherme S. Munhoz; Mateus E. G. Dobrovolski; Eduardo Pereira; Ronaldo A. Medeiros-Junior.
Reference: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.103905
Title: Durability of phosphogypsum-based supersulfated cement mortar against external attack by sodium and magnesium sulfate
Publisher: Cement and Concrete Research | Elsevier 2020
Authors: Sabrina R. Pinto; Caroline Angulski da Luz; Guilherme S. Munhoz; Ronaldo A. Medeiros-Junior.
Reference: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconres.2020.106172
Title: Resistance of phosphogypsum-based supersulfated cement to carbonation and chloride ingress
Publisher: Construction and Building Materials | Elsevier 2020
Authors: Sabrina R. Pinto; Caroline Angulski da Luz; Guilherme S. Munhoz; Ronaldo A. Medeiros-Junior.
Reference: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120640
Title: Effect of the corrosion degree and the carbonation depth on the electrical resistivity, ultrasonic pulse velocity and corrosion potential
Publisher: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation | Springer 2019
Authors: Adriane Zella Mendes; Ronaldo A. Medeiros-Junior; Guilherme da Silva Munhoz.
Reference: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41024-019-0055-7
Title: Correlations between water absorption, electrical resistivity and compressive strength of concrete with different contents of pozzolan
Publisher: Alconpat - Latin America Journal of Quality, Control, Pathology, and Construction Recovery | Alconpat 2019
Authors: Ronaldo A. Medeiros-Junior; Guilherme S. Munhoz; Marcelo H. F. Medeiros.
Reference: https://doi.org/10.21041/ra.v9i2.335
Title: Experimental study and numerical simulation of the transport properties and volume stability of lime mortar at micro-scale and meso-scale (TU Delft)
Objective: Upscale the microstructural properties from paste level to meso-scale at mortar level; and study the physical and mechanical properties of lime-based mortar, i.e., water permeability, moisture and ion transport, creep and shrinkage.
Title: The self-healing effect of mortars on the alkali-aggregate reaction (Federal University of Paraná)
Objective: This study investigated the improved autogenous healing behavior of mortars submitted to the alkali-aggregate reaction. The mortar mixtures included a reactive aggregate (previously tested) and different contents of crystalline admixture and polypropylene microfibers. The crack-induction method included the immersion of the mortar bars in a sodium hydroxide solution.
Title: Crystalline admixture and polypropylene microfiber as internal sulfate attack mitigating agents (Federal University of Paraná)
Objective: This research evaluated the effect of crystalline admixture and polypropylene microfiber in the development of Internal Sulfate Attack (ISA) due to pyrite oxidation. An aggregate with a 10% content of pyrite was evaluated. The experimental program performed with eight mortar mixtures lasted for 168 days (24 weeks).
During my Master’s program, I had the chance to work actively on several research projects. Therefore, besides helping with the experimental activities, I also helped with writing, translating, editing, formatting, proofreading, and reviewing papers.

Guilherme da Silva Munhoz
PhD candidate
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Building 23Room: 6.06
Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md)
Materials and Environment
Jacqueline van Unen-Bergenhenegouwen