Liu, Z.


Zhaowen Liu obtained her master degree from School of Management Science and Real Estate of Chongqing University in 2018, focusing on the construction and innovation of smart eco-industrial park. She joined the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at the Delft University of Technology in March 2019 for her doctoral degree.


My current research focuses on inclusive urban development, particularly social inclusion issues related to circular economy. Compared with the linear economy where resources are simply used and incinerated, the transition to the circular economy will be labour-intensive, requiring more people to promote its 3R principles. In this context, this study aims to explore how to design an inclusive waste management system to ensure that the transition to a resource-efficient and environmental-friendly circular economy also delivers on social objectives.

  • ​​​Zhaowen Liu, Martin de Jong, Fen Li, Brand Nikki, Marcel Hertogh, Liang Dong. Towards Developing a New Model for Inclusive Cities in China—The Case of Xiong’an New Area. Sustainability, 2020, 12, 6195.
  • Liang Dong, Zhaowen Liu, and Yuli Bian. Match Circular Economy and Urban Sustainability: Re-investigating Circular Economy Under Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Circular Economy and Sustainability, 2021, 1-14.
  • Yuli Bian, Liang Dong, Zhaowen Liu, Lezhu Zhang. A sectoral eco-efficiency analysis on urban-industrial symbiosis. Sustainability, 2020, 12(9), 3650.
  • Liang Dong, Hanwei Liang, Liguo Zhang, Zhaowen Liu, Zhiqiu Gao, Mingming Hu. Highlighting regional eco-industrial development: Life cycle benefits of an urban industrial symbiosis and implications in China. Ecological Modelling, 2017, 361:164–176.

Zhaowen’s PhD research is supported by an international cooperation project “Towards Inclusive Circular Economy: Transnational Network for Wise-waste Cities (IWWCs)” funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). In this Sino-Dutch project, we will develop conceptual frameworks and analytical models to clarify the effects of emerging waste management systems, design more inclusive infrastructure and management approaches for municipal waste and relevant industries, and validate our outcomes in the cities of the Netherlands and China.

Zhaowen Liu

PhD candidate

Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md)

Integral Design Management

Design & Integration

Sandra Schuchmann