Hannah Clercx


Hannah obtained her bachelor and master degrees in Applied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology. She has a masters degree of Applied Physics with a specialisation in fluid dynamics and her master thesis focused on rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection and the role of the Prandtl number in this phenomenon. Since March 2024, Hannah is a PhD candidate at TU Delft’s Hydraulic Engineering department within the Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section. She works under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Julie Pietrzak and Dr. Wouter Kranenburg.


Research subjects

Hannah is in the StratiFEst project and is working on stratification, circulation and mixing in enclosed former estuaries. Through temperature and velocity measurements in Lake Veere, she will study the temperature stratification in these kinds of lakes and the effects due to external factors such as wind setup, circulation and upwelling. She will study the fluid dynamics in the system to improve our understanding of the movement of water with low oxygen content in these systems. Furthermore, she will investigate the use of echosounding as a detection method for the interface between the upper, warmer layer and lower, colder layer of water.

Hannah Clercx

PhD student Environmental Fluid Mechanics

  • h.m.clercx@tudelft.nl
  • Room number: HG 2.95

    Faculty of CEG
    Building 23
    Stevinweg 1
    2628 CN Delft

    PO box 5048
    2600 GA Delft