Railway Engineering
Railway is the backbone of sustainable mobility. The section of Railway Engineering deals with the physical assets of the railway system, including track, embankment, rolling stock and catenary, as well as the interfaces and dynamic interactions between them. The research, innovation, development and education of the section concern the whole life cycle of the assets, from design, construction, degradation, monitoring, maintenance to retrofit, as well as the data-driven intelligent management of the assets, taking into consideration of the performance of the whole railway system. The section provides a whole series of courses in Railway Engineering at BSc, MSc, PDEng and PhD levels, as well as online learning.
The section plays a leading role in the TU Delft Rail Institute (DelftRail).
The section consists of two groups, chaired by Prof. R.P.B.J. Dollevoet and Prof. Z. Li. Prof. Z. Li is the head of the section.