Postdoc (PhD) position
Postdoc (PhD) position for development of a probabilistic design method for rock groynes
The postdoc position is opened for research in the development of a probabilistic (design) method for the sizing of rock on groynes in tidal rivers/estuaries. The focus will be on hydraulic loads from ship waves, in particular the stern wave of the long-period primary wave system for which existing design guidance is not applicable. A probabilistic method will be developed based on previous research, which covers physical processes, small scale experiments and field observations. The method is envisaged to guide designers and managing authorities in assessing the likelihood and degree of damage to rock groynes as well as the formulation of (probabilistic) design criteria. The results should be scientifically sound and be applicable for practicing engineers.
In order to assess failure probabilities of the groyne systems, uncertainties and nature of strength and loads (water level, wave height, etc.) need to be accurately modelled. Joint distributions for strength and load variables will be investigated together with physical modelling results for determining failure modes and design criteria. Additionally, (multivariate) extreme value analysis is expected to be applied in this challenging and exciting research project. It is also possible to fullfill the position in a PhD trajectory.
For this position, you will collaborate with the German Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) and possibly other (inter)national partners. A fair amount of collaboration with other departments of the TU Delft is foreseen. Finally the successful candidate will also undertake activities in education within the section of Hydraulic Engineering of the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of the TU Delft.
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