
39304 resultaten

Roel Dobbe in De Correspondent over de (on)veiligheid van AI

Roel Dobbe in De Correspondent over de (on)veiligheid van AI

Roel Dobbe spreekt met correspondent Maurits Martijn over de eenzijdige focus op het technische aspect van veiligheid in AI, waar juist de…

Integrated flood risk assessment in Bui River Basin by Ngoc Huan Tran

Integrated flood risk assessment in Bui River Basin by Ngoc Huan Tran

Integrated flood risk assessment in Bui River Basin by Ngoc Huan Tran About the project Promotors/ supervisors : Prof. Dr. Konrad Miegel -…

Plastic monitoring in the Red River by Thi Van Le Khoa

Plastic monitoring in the Red River by Thi Van Le Khoa

Plastic monitoring in the Red River by Thi Van Le Khoa About the project Promotors/ supervisors : Dr. ir. T.H.M. (Tim) Van Emmerik - WUR (…

Tung Dao's wooden fences for mangrove restoration

Tung Dao's wooden fences for mangrove restoration

Tung Dao's sediment bamboo fences About the project Promotors/ supervisors : Prof. dr. ir. M.J.F. (Marcel) Stive, Dr. ir. B. (Bas) Hofland…

Socially inclusive adaptation pathways for the Mekong delta by Bramka Arga Jafino

Socially inclusive adaptation pathways for the Mekong delta by Bramka Arga Jafino

Socially inclusive adaptation pathways for the Mekong delta by Bramka Arga Jafino About the project Promotors/ supervisors : Dr. ir. JH…

Open Campus Days

It is impossible to imagine our society without air and space travel. Do you have any idea how many people and goods are transported by air…

Programmable Infrastructures Project

Programmable Infrastructures Project

The Programmable Infrastructures Project aims to conduct investigations into this large scale transformation with the ultimate objective to…

Studenten verbeelden en illustreren de TU Delft Campus in evenwicht met de zee

Studenten verbeelden en illustreren de TU Delft Campus in evenwicht met de zee

Nederland bouwt al zo lang polders en dijken, dat we ons haast niet meer voor kunnen stellen hoe ons landschap er anders uit had gezien. Had…

Emailhandtekening BK

Pas je gegevens aan in het Word doc. Kopieer en plak de handtekening in Outlook (instellingen --> invoegtoepassingen beheren --> email -->…

Transport & Planning - About US - Faculty of CEG - TU Delft

The Transport & Planning Department is part of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at TU Delft. In the past 30 years, the…