
376 resultaten

Ying Tang succesfully defended his PhD thesis

Ying Tang succesfully defended his PhD thesis

On October 2nd Ying Tang succesfully defended his PhD thesis "Applications of Optical Birefringe: with Natural-Matrials and Meta-Materials".

Research and Projects

Research and Projects Research Topics My group aims to correlate the microstructure of biological materials (including, DNAs, cytoskeletons,…

Mikhail Pashchanka

Dr. Mikhail Pashchanka graduated from Department of Chemistry, Belarusian State University (2005), Minsk, and moved to Germany where he…

David Vermaas ontvangt Vidi-beurs

David Vermaas ontvangt Vidi-beurs

David Vermaas onderzoekt membranen die bestaan uit nano-dunne laagjes, die energie-efficiënt werken en zuivere brandstoffen kunnen leveren…

Hitham Mahmoud

Hitham Mahmoud

Humans of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science Hitham Mahmoud Ik hou van mijn werk en ben een zeer gelukkig persoon. Ik…

Arsenic removal in Nicaragua

On behalf of the TU Delft, National Water Authority (ANA) and Nuevas Esperanzas, we (Tom Vromen & Joost van Arkel) conducted a research…



My research focuses mainly on the theory of single molecule charge trasport, mainly using nonequilibrium Green's function theory. In my…

Photovoltaic Materials and Devices

Photovoltaic Materials and Devices

Photovoltaic Materials and Devices Program goal The program of the PVMD group builds up expertise in the design and fabrication technology…


Within the Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE) Section, we use the unique opportunities of the small length-scale to create breakthroughs for…

Courses and equipment reservations

The Kavli Nanolab TU Delft uses the NanoLabNL Information System (NIS) for cleanroom data management and equipment reservations. NIS for new…