
39977 resultaten

Energy Snack: Maaike van Buul

Energy Snack: Maaike van Buul

“The energy transition is moving at a fast pace. Stay up to date with the latest developments & expert knowledge with (...)

Energy Snack: Maarten Abbenhuis

Energy Snack: Maarten Abbenhuis

“In the ESP Lab, we are joining forces with TU Delft to work on the energy system of the future: a multifunctional (...)

Rapport onderzoek onderwijsinspectie over TU Delft gepubliceerd

Rapport onderzoek onderwijsinspectie over TU Delft gepubliceerd

Bekendmaking rapport over sociale veiligheid op de TU Delft In december 2022 is de Onderwijsinspectie een onderzoek gestart naar sociale…

Human Research Ethics

There will be no weekly HREC decisions in weeks 30,31, 32 and 33. For 2024, the full committee meetings (for extended risk applications)…

Raad van Hoogleraren

De Raad van Hoogleraren (RvH) bestaat uit een panel van ervaren hoogleraren, werkzaam aan de TU Delft. De Raad van Hoogleraren adviseert het…


ACCESS is an independent non-profit organisation that has been helping expats to settle in the Netherlands for the past 35 years. ACCESS is…

Support networks

Support networks

Social networks When you have arrived in Delft, you and possibly your partner and family may wish to attend social activities in order to…

At TU Delft

At TU Delft

Coming to Delft Service at TU Delft will help you and your family settle into your new life here in a variety of ways. Dual career programme…

Dual career network

The TU Delft assists partners of international employees in finding employment in the Netherlands with the Dual Career Programme. A similar…

Delft Maternity and Motherhood Assistance (MaMa)

Delft MaMa is a non-profit organisation that promotes the wellbeing and integration of international mothers-to-be and mothers of young…