
39918 resultaten

van Esch, M.S.

Profile I started as a PhD candidate in 2021, researching the Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES)-Triplet concept. My bachelor degree in…

Gijs Kuenen

Biography 2006 - present Emeritus and part-time professor of General and Applied Microbiology, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of…


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Third prize for two BK graduates in DAIDA Foundation Global Thesis award

Third prize for two BK graduates in DAIDA Foundation Global Thesis award

Two recent MSc graduated from our faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment became third in the finale of the DAIDA Foundation…

Underwater noise mitigation for offshore pile-driving

Description During the installation of offshore wind farms, the noise generated by impact piling may harm the marine creatures. One of the…


13:00 – 13:20 Opening 13:20 - 13:25 Thema introductie: Het belang van een lerende organisatie 13:25 - 14:20 Waarom lukt het op dit moment…

Jinke He

About I am a PhD student at the Interactive Intelligence Group at TU Delft working with Dr. Frans Oliehoek . Previously, I received my MSc…

Strategic airline network planning: considering climate impact

Strategic airline network planning: considering climate impact

The work from Mahdi Noorafza (ATO) and Pratik R. (ANCE) was discussed in the recent blog from the European Research project ClimOP. In their…

Cross-modal retrieval, generation and captioning

Involved faculty members: Alan Hanjalic Odette Scharenborg Building on two decades of research on video content analysis and retrieval,…

Prof.dr. Chirlmin Joo

Research Theme(s) : Single-molecule biophysics Research Interests : Single-molecule protein sequencing, Next-generation single-molecule…