
39900 resultaten

Delft Design researchers develop vision for new food system

Delft Design researchers develop vision for new food system

How will we consume food in the future? How will our food system meet the rising food demand while mitigating the negative consequences of…

Rui Silva joined ImPhys as PhD student

Rui Silva joined ImPhys as PhD student

Rui Silva completed his master in Bioengineering (Biomedical Engineering) in Porto, Portugal. He is doing a PhD, in a collaboration between…

Ming Huang wins TU Delft Wind Energy Institute Best Paper Award 2021

Ming Huang, PhD candidate at the Wind Energy Section at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering won the TU Delft Wind Energy Institute Best…

Jian Tan wins Social Prize of the Best Energy Paper Award 2021!

Jian Tan, PhD candidate in Offshore and Dredging Engineering at the Faculty of Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering…

Kornelis Blok in Binnenlands Bestuur over hoe je snel van Russisch gas af komt

Kornelis Blok in Binnenlands Bestuur over hoe je snel van Russisch gas af komt

Volgens hoogleraar Kornelis Blok kom je niet met windmolens snel van het Russisch gas af, maar door thermostaat lager te zetten.

Jop Groeneweg bij Deltalinqs over veiligheid in de Rotterdamse haven

Jop Groeneweg bij Deltalinqs over veiligheid in de Rotterdamse haven

Is de Rotterdamse haven veilig? Wat gaat goed en wat kan beter? Daarover gaat Jop Groeneweg samen met Roelof Hemmen in gesprek tijdens de…

Ontwerpen voor iedereen in de nieuwe minor PortCityFutures

Ontwerpen voor iedereen in de nieuwe minor PortCityFutures

Havensteden en de gebieden daaromheen zijn van oudsher plekken waar mensen, goederen en ideeën aankomen en vertrekken, waar economische…

IDE alumni make Het Financieele Dagblad Talents 2022

Ten of the fifty Het Financieele Dagblad Talents 2022 have ties to Delft and of those ten, three studied at IDE. With their innovative and…

J.M. (Jan) Haacker

Profile I studied physics at the HU Berlin for the B.Sc. and at the University of Potsdam in collaboration with the Potsdam Institute for…

International Conference for Condition-based Maintenance in Aerospace

International Conference for Condition-based Maintenance in Aerospace

The ATO group, together with colleagues from the ReMAP project, is organising the 1st International Conference for Condition-base…