Onderzoek naar circulariteit in ziekenhuizen krijgt 5,3 miljoen

Een consortium van Nederlandse ziekenhuizen en universiteiten heeft 5,3 miljoen euro gekregen van de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA). Het…
Taking IoT to the Extreme
Dr. RR Venkatesha Prasad has presented to NITI Aayog, the highest policymaking body of India. For more information click here .
Complex Systems Engineering and Management is a full-time two-year Master's programme in English. The curriculum comprises two years of two…
Online onderwijs
Online studeren biedt je de mogelijkheid om waar en wanneer je maar wilt te studeren. Binnen de TU Delft zijn er verschillende vormen van…
Oxide Chemistry in fast neutron reactors (SFRs, LFRs)
Among the six Generation IV nuclear reactors retained by the Generation IV International Forum, the Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) and…
F.W. Dekker
About F.W. Dekker is a PhD student under the supervision of prof. Erkin. Recognising the importance of privacy, they aim to produce…
CH3783 Materials chemistry for the nuclear fuel cycle AP3352 Introduction to Nuclear Science and Engineering CH3142 Molecular Thermodynamics…
Chemistry of the nuclear fuel-coolant interaction in SFRs
One major question for the safety assessment of the SFR concerns the potential interaction of the sodium metallic coolant with the nuclear…
Fission products chemistry
The safety of a nuclear reactor is directly linked to the performance of the nuclear fuel under normal operating and accidental conditions.…
Roel Dobbe in De Groene Amsterdammer over Digitale voetafdruk van e-mails

Al doen we in ons gewone leven nog zo ons best om onze ecologische voetafdruk te verkleinen, ons digitale leven vreet zo veel stroom dat die…