Stories of Science
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Krashna Musika
Krashna Musika "Het is geweldig om te zien dat 200 studenten deze passie delen en hun energie samenbrengen op het podium." Wij zijn...…
Hoogleraren Urban Design slaan brug tussen universiteit en praktijk
De Faculteit Bouwkunde heeft twee nieuwe deeltijdhoogleraren bij de sectie Urban Design aangesteld: Anne Loes Nillesen en Tess Broekmans.…
Bruggen beter in beeld brengen
Door slechte monitoring worden veel constructies niet goed of tijdig onderhouden. Dat zorgt voor veiligheidsrisico’s en hoge kosten voor…
Below you'll find the partner universities in France with which Industrial Design Engineering has agreements for exchange in place. L'Ecole…
Below you'll find the partner universities in Germany with which Industrial Design Engineering has agreements for exchange in place.…
Below you'll find the partner universities in Italy with which Industrial Design Engineering has agreements for exchange in place.…
Below you'll find the partner universities in Denmark with which Industrial Design Engineering has agreements for exchange in place. Aalborg…
Below you'll find the partner universities in Finland with which Industrial Design Engineering has agreements for exchange in place. Aalto…
Below you'll find the partner universities in Belgium with which Industrial Design Engineering has agreements for exchange in place.…