
379 resultaten


Pavement Engineering The education and research programmes of the Pavement Engineering section concentrate on the characterization of…

Khatereh Roohi

Khatereh received her bachelor in Chemical Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Iran. Thereupon, she…

Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS)

The Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) is a crucial subsystem of a spacecraft. It provides pointing accuracy and stability of…

Performance in Extreme Applications

Many engineering applications require materials capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, loading or harsh environments. We use…

Zeven TU Delft-onderzoekers op lijst van Highly Cited Researchers 2019

Clarivate heeft de jaarlijkse lijst van Highly Cited Researchers gepubliceerd. Hierop zijn de namen van de meest geciteerde onderzoekers…


List of publications with members of Aubin-Tam group : Wei D *, Quaranta G, Aubin-Tam ME* , Tam D* The younger flagellum sets the beat for…

Distinguished Dynamics of micro and nanosystems Colloquia

Distinguished Dynamics of micro and nanosystems Colloquia

The distinguished dynamics of micro and nanosystems talks is a virtual platform organized by the DMN group at TU Delft aiming at inviting…

Prijzen voor drie onderzoekers van TNW

Het regent prijzen bij de Faculteit Technische Natuurwetenschappen. Maar liefst drie onderzoekers zijn de afgelopen periode beloond met…

Workshop Bioengineering for health

Single Cell Diagnostic Screening Technologies On Thursday 28 June, 22 TU Delft scientists and external partners joined the first workshop…

Development of a microfluidic device to study synthetic cell division (BEP/MEP)

Description The physical process of cell division, or cytokinesis, is the mechanism by which a parent cell divides into two daughter cells.…