
39472 resultaten

Inspiring Dialogue Livestream 3 december

Inspiring Dialogue Livestream 3 december

Livestream Inspiring Dialogue 3 December The Alumni Relations Office and Studium Generale have launched a new series called Inspiring…

Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan

Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan

Interview met Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan Ik ben tot het inzicht gekomen dat je niet alles hoeft te weten, je moet alleen alles willen leren.…

Good to know

This section contains information on a variety of subjects you ought to be aware of or might like to know about. Links are included in the…

Employee Association

As a TU Delft employee, you will be able to join the university’s Prometheus staff association, whose aim is ‘to promote a harmonious…

Extension School

Vacatures voor de Extension School van de TU Delft De Extension School werkt samen met de faculteiten van de TU Delft om professionals en…

Beheer en bestuur universiteit

Hieronder vallen de regelingen die van belang zijn voor de gehele universiteit. Bestuurs- en beheers reglement TU Delft (BBR) In het BRR…


Click here for a PDF version of the journey.


Anyone relocating to the Netherlands is required by law to be registered with the municipal authority and to have been assigned a national…

Online payment Alumni One-on-one consultation

Online payment Alumni Career Workshop