
379 resultaten

Effect of vibrational modes on fluidization characteristics and solid distribution of cohesive micro- and nano-silica powders

Effect of vibrational modes on fluidization characteristics and solid distribution of cohesive micro- and nano-silica powders

Fluidization of powders with small particle sizes is typically troublesome due to their cohesive nature. These powders to not transition…

Stratos Raket II

Stratos Raket II

Stratos Raket II Themes: Robotics Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Description TRL Early prototype A TRL is a measure to indicate the…

Publications 2015

Doctoral thesis Fraters, B. (2015, May 21 st ) TiO 2 -Based Photocatalytic Gas Purification Universiteit Twente Prom.: Prof. dr. G. Mul and…

New name for revitalised Dimes Technology Centre: ‘Else Kooi Lab’

Starting in April, the Dimes Technology Centre, TU Delft's micro-manufacturing lab, will have a new name: Else Kooi Lab. The new…

Liu, Y.

Profile Currently, I am a researcher at the section Infrastructure Design and Management of Delft University of Technology. My research…

Twee TNW’ers leiden nieuwe NWA-programma’s

Twee TNW’ers leiden nieuwe NWA-programma’s

Onderzoekers Nico de Jong (Imaging Physics) en Toeno van der Sar (Quantum Nanoscience) hebben van NWO financiering gekregen binnen het…

Dr. F. (Francesco) Di Maio

Dr. Francesco Di Maio is currently research director of the Recycling Laboratory at Delft University of Technology. After his MSc in…

Mechanical engineering op nanoschaal vereist schone omgeving

Mechanical engineering op nanoschaal vereist schone omgeving

Bij het werken op nanoschaal kan zelfs één stofdeeltje storingen veroorzaken. Daarom vind je op de TU Delft Campus verschillende cleanrooms.…

Prof.dr. Cees Dekker

Research Theme(s) : Single-molecule biophysics, Synthetic biology, Cell biophysics Current Research Interests : Chromatin structure, DNA…

Principal Scientists

People Principal Investigators Principal Educators Principal Investigators (affiliated) Aurèle Adam Terahertz, Near-field, Scattering for…