Fundamental Li-ion and Na-ion battery research Cheap Na and Zn-aqueous batteries Solid State Ionics Magnesium-ion Batteries Electrolysis &…
Teaching colloquium at the EPT Section
Schedule for the academic year 2023/2024 25 September 2023, 12:00-13:00, TPM Room B1.300 23 October 2023, 12:00-13:00, TPM A1.370 20…
Britte Bouchaut in het Nederlands Dagblad over DNA printers
![Britte Bouchaut in het Nederlands Dagblad over DNA printers](https://filelist.tudelft.nl/_processed_/5/7/csm_Bouchaut%2C%20Britte%20Bouchaut_7faa0e6756.jpg)
De verwachting is dat er binnenkort eenvoudige DNA-printers op de markt komen. Die maken het mogelijk om ook in gewone laboratoria stukken…
Materials for Solid Oxide Cells
Reversible Solid Oxide Cells (RSOC) are promising chemical reactors for the decarbonized and electrified chemical plants of the future and a…
Roel Dobbe received a BSc in Mechanical Engineering (2007) and a MSc in Systems & Control (2010) from TU Delft. During his masters, he…
Roel’s research addresses challenges around the integration of data-driven technologies in societal infrastructure and institutions, in…
Research Profile
My current research interests and activities focus on sustainable innovation and transitions, in particular visions, backcasting and…
Thesis students
Annually, supervision of thesis projects by students from Master programs Industrial Ecology (IE), Management of Technology (MoT),…
2014 Co-applicant FP7-project Glamurs (2014-2016) Green Lifestyles, Alternative Models & Upscaling Regional Sustainability, www.glamurs.eu…
Research activities
Research project: Background The introduction of new logistic concepts were mainly focused from a monodisciplinary view. This means that…