
39412 resultaten

Effectief Nederlands klimaatbeleid heeft structurele financiering klimaatmonitoring nodig

Effectief Nederlands klimaatbeleid heeft structurele financiering klimaatmonitoring nodig

Opiniestuk: Nederland dreigt de boot te missen bij Europese meetprogramma’s voor het klimaat, zoals de ontwikkeling van de nieuwe…

Odette Scharenborg Associate Editor

Odette Scharenborg Associate Editor

Odette Scharenborg has been appointed as an Associate Editor of the IEEE journal Signal Processing Letters. The IEEE journal Signal…

Mustafa Nazari

Image: Temporary residence by using Biodegradable Sandstone Temporary residence by using Biodegradable Sandstone The aim of the research was…

Who is in control of self-driving cars?

Who is in control of self-driving cars?

Together with research institutes, companies and government bodies, TU Delft works together on the "Meaningful Human Control" project. We…

Who’s talking, who’s listening? Tackling the wireless design challenges

Who’s talking, who’s listening? Tackling the wireless design challenges

Vrijdag 17 mei vindt de intreerede van Cicero Vaucher en Earl McCune plaats. Beide aan de afdeling Microelectronics verbonden…

World's fastest hydrogen sensor could pave the way for clean energy

A consortium of researchers lead by Prof Langhammer at Chalmers University of Technology in collaboration with the group of Bernard Dam (TU…

Sebastien Callens & Amir Zadpoor in Materials Today

Origami enables the creation of three-dimensional structures from flat two-dimensional shapes. While the traditional Japanese art uses paper…

Christiano Glessi joined ImPhys as PhD student

Christiano Glessi is a PhD student, on a secondment from Oslo University, as part of the ELENA Marie Curie programme. He is working on tests…

The Multimedia Computing Group cordially invites you to a Music Information Retrieval morning seminar, Wednesday, May 15, Social Data Lab.

The Multimedia Computing Group cordially invites you to a Music Information Retrieval morning seminar, Wednesday, May 15, Social Data Lab.

The Artificial Intelligence Lab at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg is dedicated to improving the cognitive abilities of machines…


Organizing committee Ana Pereira Roders, TU Delft, NL Uta Pottgiesser, TU Delft, NL Sandra Fatorić, TU Delft, NL Erik de Maaker, Leiden…