
39475 resultaten

Quantum and Sovereignty

From science for sustainability to sovereignty struggles, the national and global future of quantum computing is complex. Pieter Vermaas A…

The future of quantum

The near future of quantum computing lays out milestones and obstacles to the ultimate goal: a universal, fault-tolerant quantum computer.…

Quantum circuits

What does quantum computing look like? Exploring the basic units of quantum algorithms is a good place to start. 1. Initialising Each qubit…

Hardware & Software

Hardware & Software From theory to reality To make a quantum computer we need many tangible components, from quantum chips, control…

Over True U

True U is het Lesbische, Homoseksuele, Biseksuele, Transgender, Intersekse en Queer (LHBTIQ+) netwerk voor medewerkers van de TU Delft. Als…

Missie & Mijlpalen

Mission True U is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive environment at TU Delft for LGBTIQ+ staffs. We strive to enhance visibility…

Pink Closet

Pink Closet

Hi! Let's address the pink elephant in the room: I am the Pink Closet. Please keep an eye out for me in the coming months. I will be…

IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia)

Every year, May 17 th is IDAHOBIT . IDAHOBIT stands for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia. Its…

True U mug

Welcome! The holiday season is almost here, and what better gift to give than the one and only True U mug? In order to make the ordering…

Activiteiten & Evenementen

Aankomende Activiteiten Hier is een lijst me aankomende activiteiten: 14 February 2024 - Verhuizen van True U's Pink Closet naar Pulse 14…