
39907 resultaten

Deelnemende bedrijven

Evers+Manders Hatenboer-Water KNW Oasen PWN Royal HaskoningDHV Vewin Waternet WE Consult Contact/aanmelden bedrijf Prof.dr.ir. Luuk Rietveld…

Deelnemende bedrijven

Evers+Manders KNW Oasen PWN Royal HaskoningDHV Vewin Waternet Contact/aanmelden bedrijf Prof.dr.ir. Luuk Rietveld +31 (0)15 2783347…

Sustainable port development Myanmar

When in search for a Minor-Project as part of the Civil Engineering Bachelor program, Oscar Ophof and I knocked on the door of Martine Rutte…

Removal of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in wastewater Jinan, China

In the third quarter of the academic year of 2017/2018 we (Maurice Shorachi & Monique Woen) were given the opportunity to collaborate with…

Iron based Arsenic removal with biotic oxidation in Bangladesh

For our Bachelor thesis we, Arso Karlicic and Martijn Helsdingen, decided to perform a research project about arsenic removal from drinking…

Influence of spillway height and discharge on rock scour, Stellenbosch (South Africa)

Since the start of my Bachelor Civil Engineering I have had the dream to conduct a water research project somewhere abroad. Unfortunately I…

Aluminum removal by limestone filtration in Costa Rica

Because of my interest in Latin America, the Spanish language and water research, I was very pleased that I could go to Costa Rica for my…

Carwash Effluent Treatment in Kumasi, Ghana

Eind vorig jaar, heb gebruik gemaakt van de mogelijkheid mijn bachelor eindproject (BEP) in het buitenland te mogen doen. Via professor…

Arsenic removal in Nicaragua

On behalf of the TU Delft, National Water Authority (ANA) and Nuevas Esperanzas, we (Tom Vromen & Joost van Arkel) conducted a research…

Arsenic removal from drinking water in Costa Rica

In de maanden mei en juni van 2017 hebben wij, Jeroen van der Veen en Philip Hageman, ervaring opgedaan op gebied van arseenverwijdering in…