Building a pilot plant to biologically remove manganese from groundwater in Costa Rica
Manganese present in groundwater can cause health problems and sanitary issues, therefore the World Health Organization (WHO) has set the…
Improvement of the chlorination process of PDAM Tirtawening, Bandung, Indonesia
Due to total different water quality standards and disinfection methods over the world, we wanted to go abroad for our Bachelor Thesis to…
Soil moisture estimation using Distributed Temperature Sensing
Soil moisture is a key state variable in surface hydrology and land-atmosphere interactions. It is a storage term in the water balance,…
Modeling irrigation in ancient Americas
Ancient irrigation has had its fair share of studies, particularly on canals on the Peruvian North coast. Despite this valuable research,…
Modeling water in ancient Jordan
As much as elsewhere, in ancient times human survival in the Zerqa triangle in the Jordan Valley depended on human ability to adapt to the…
Irrigation in colonial and post-colonial Africa
Left figure: Gezira system (from Gaitskell 1959) Right figure: Kano system Aiming at full control over farmer actions was a shared…
N2kWh – From Pollutant to Power
Project title : N2kWh – From Pollutant to Power Start date project : 01-04-2016 Expected end date : 01-04-2020 Keywords research project :…
Bas des Tombe (2012/2013)
Op 18 juni 2013 is voor de elfde keer de Cees BoeterPrijs uitgereikt, de jaarlijkse prijs voor het beste BSc-eindwerk van de afdeling…
Vakken in Bsc
De afdeling Watermanagement verzorgt (een deel van) de volgende BSc vakken: Code Vak ECTS Jaar - Periode - Type CT1101 Inleiding civiele…
BSc Eindwerk
BSc Eindwerk (CT3000-16) In het Bachelor-programma van de opleiding Civiele Techniek is een bachelor-eindwerk opgenomen (10 ECTS). Met dit…