
39230 resultaten

The future of quantum

The near future of quantum computing lays out milestones and obstacles to the ultimate goal: a universal, fault-tolerant quantum computer.…

Quantum circuits

What does quantum computing look like? Exploring the basic units of quantum algorithms is a good place to start. 1. Initialising Each qubit…

Hardware & Software

Hardware & Software From theory to reality To make a quantum computer we need many tangible components, from quantum chips, control…

Over True U

True U is het Lesbische, Homoseksuele, Biseksuele, Transgender, Intersekse en Queer (LHBTIQ+) netwerk voor medewerkers van de TU Delft. Als…

Missie & Mijlpalen

Mission True U is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive environment at TU Delft for LGBTIQ+ staffs. We strive to enhance visibility…

IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia)

Every year, May 17 th is IDAHOBIT . IDAHOBIT stands for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia. Its…

True U mug

Welcome! The holiday season is almost here, and what better gift to give than the one and only True U mug? In order to make the ordering…

Contact & Support

Contact True U is per mail te bereiken via: trueu@tudelft.nl True U is te vinden op LinkedIn:…

True U

True U

Welcome op de website van True U! True U is het LHBTIQ+ netwerk van de TU Delft. Ons netwerk draagt bij aan een werkcultuur waarin iedereen…

Open Meetings: deel een

Open Meeting Research Open Meeting Societal Impact Open Meeting Students and Education 1 Open Meeting Students and Education 2