Graduation of Mónica Aguilera Chaves

25 september 2023 14:45 t/m 16:45 | Zet in mijn agenda

Numerical modelling of flow depths and velocities at the crest of a rubble mound breakwater using OpenFOAM®. 

  • Professor of graduation: M.R.A. van Gent (TU Delft, Deltares)

  • Supervisors: P. Mares Nasarre (TU Delft), Ir. M.P. de Ridder (Deltares).

Expected wave overtopping at rubble mound breakwaters affects the design and safety of people and activities behind the crest. In this thesis, flow depths and velocities at the crest of a rubble mound breakwater are studied using a CFD model (OpenFOAM®). A method to extract the flow depths and velocities during wave overtopping events, from the numerical model, is recommended. The modelled flow depths and velocities are compared with measurements taken from physical model tests. Moreover, the numerical model is further exploited to study the physical processes occurring during the wave overtopping events, and the effects of changing the breakwater configuration and wave conditions on the flow depths and velocities.