Delft Ingenious Design Employees Association | DIDEA

DIDEA is an Engineering Doctorate trainee organization mainly conformed by current EngD trainees as well as EngD alumni. The aim of the association is the divulgation of the EngD programme as well as tightening cooperation and maintaining links among all EngD trainees, alumni, academia and the chemical industry. DIDEA strives for bringing all Engineering Doctorate disciplines at TUDelft together and improving the awareness and recognition of the EngD programmes within the Netherlands and abroad.

Board, committees and their goals



Christi Raubenheimer


Luis Sierra Lopez

BPE Representative

Marco Tilocca

PPED Representative

Alexandros Anagnostou


Shivam Pandey


  • Organization of events, to aid in building a community for EngD trainees
  • One large event is to be planned per semester (minimum requirement)
  • After hours events, at least one to be planned per month


  • Organizing alumni network events
  • Organizing alumni mentorship program
  • Developing the EngD alumni database


  • Contributing to updating of TU Delft EngD page
  • Managing social media (both EngD Instagram and DIDEA LinkedIn page)


  • Planning and scheduling the study trip abroad for the trainees (includes courses to attend, companies to visit, accommodation, and travel options)
  • Organizing funding for study trip (including ensuring delivery of follow-up for reports required for funding after the trip)


  • Promoting the EngD program at different events, spreading the word about the EngD program (this can be either promoting for new trainee intake or at companies)
  • Promotional committee is subject to requirements from management (promoting for certain intake and select companies)