Designer in Bioprocess Engineering

The two-year Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Designer in Bioprocess Engineering programme develops MSc graduates in (Bio-)chemical Engineering or related academic backgrounds into multidisciplinary specialists, in preparation for a career in the industry. Part of this Engineering Doctorate in (EngD) entails a one-year traineeship at a company while under the supervision of a Delft University of Technology faculty. Your company can offer one of these traineeships.

Upon graduation, the title ‘Engineering Doctorate’, or EngD, is awarded. This title is recognised by the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI, Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs), the Netherlands.

The programme was developed in 1994 by BioTech Delft postgraduate studies, and over 150 graduates have subsequently completed the programme. After a thorough selection, the EngD trainees are employed at the Department of Biotechnology of the university and receive a salary.

Engineering Doctorate

120 ECT / 24 Months

Starts in:

Language of instruction:

EUR 2618,-

Tuition fees:
Not applicable

Job opportunities:
95% after graduation