421 resultaten

13 september 2023

Nieuw zicht op vervlochten zenuwvezels

Nieuw zicht op vervlochten zenuwvezels

De hersenen bevatten miljoenen zenuwvezels die dicht op elkaar gepakt zijn, waardoor het lastig is om de vezels van elkaar te onderscheiden met microscopische technieken. Miriam Menzel ontwikkelde een eenvoudige lichtmicroscopietechniek die de oriëntatie van deze vezels in beeld kan brengen.

11 september 2023

Menglin Wu joined ImPhys as MSc student

Menglin Wu joined ImPhys as MSc student

Menglin started his MSc thesis project under the supervision of Prof. Bernd Rieger. He will be working on fixed dipole emitter localization in 4Pi single molecule localization microscopy.

07 september 2023

Jesse Buijs joined ImPhys as MSc student

Jesse Buijs joined ImPhys as MSc student

Jesse joined our group to work on his MSc thesis. The subject revolves around taking advantage of non-linearities in wave propagation used in acoustical imaging. Due to these non-linearities, higher (but more importantly in this case: lower) harmonics can be created. This makes it possible to generate a low frequency sound source using two higher frequency sources, resulting in smaller required transducers among other benefits.

07 september 2023

Heike Smedes joined ImPhys as MSc student

Heike Smedes joined ImPhys as MSc student

Heike will be doing her master's thesis with Bernd Rieger and Sjoerd Stallinga as her supervisors. She will be looking into the possibilities of fitting not only the 3D position but also the orientation and the color of single emitters.

07 september 2023

Max Rouppe van der Voort joined ImPhys as MSc student

Max Rouppe van der Voort joined ImPhys as MSc student

Max is an Applied Physics student doing a master project under supervision of Jeroen Kalkman regarding the removal in optical aberrations for a digital holographic system.

30 augustus 2023

Achere Eyong joined ImPhys as MSc student

Achere Eyong joined ImPhys as MSc student

Achere Eyong is currently doing his master’s program in Nanobiology jointly at the TU Delft and Erasmus MC. This relatively new program teaches applied physics, programming and modelling to tackle biophysical problems at the nanoscale. His academic interests lies in optical systems and computational solutions to problems related to biophysics. He will be joining the Menzel lab from the 4th of September.

30 augustus 2023

Simon van Staalduine joined ImPhys as MSc student

Simon van Staalduine joined ImPhys as MSc student

Simon van Staalduine will be joining the ImPhys department in September and work in the Menzel Lab on improving the information acquisition side of computational scattered light imaging! This is going to be part of his Master's thesis in Nanobiology.

06 augustus 2023

Loes Ettema joined ImPhys as PhD student

Loes Ettema joined ImPhys as PhD student

Loes Ettema started her PhD in the lab of Miriam Menzel. She will work on dedicated tissue preparation and measurement protocols for Computational Scattered Light Imaging, in order to facilitate the reconstruction of highly interwoven fiber structures in the brain and other biological tissues.

03 augustus 2023

Robert van de Velde joined ImPhys as MSc student

Robert van de Velde joined ImPhys as MSc student

Robert’s MEP project at Mars Lab will be about improving the homogeneity of the B1+ field for high-field MRI scanners using dielectric blocks with a high relative permittivity. His supervisor is Sebastian Weingartner.

26 juni 2023

KIC subsidie toegewezen aan betere beeldvorming voor chips

KIC subsidie toegewezen aan betere beeldvorming voor chips

NWO heeft binnen de KIC-call ‘Vraaggedreven Partnerschappen voor Consortia’ subsidie toegewezen voor onderzoek naar efficiëntere productie van nog kleinere computerchips. Onderzoekers van TU Delft en ARCNL werken samen met ASML om computerchips met behulp van elektronen preciezer en sneller te kunnen inspecteren. Het onderzoeksprogramma Kennis- en Innovatieconvenant (KIC) staat voor baanbrekende innovatieve oplossingen met maatschappelijke en economische impact. NWO financiert het onderzoek met bijna 2 miljoen euro, ASML draagt bij met ruim 2,3 miljoen cofinanciering.


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