438 resultaten

13 maart 2020

Dion Terwiel joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Dion Terwiel joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Dion Terwiel recently graduated Life Science and Technology from the University of Technology in Delft. He subsequently spent 9 months working as a process development technologist in a start-up where Dion worked on lignocellulose feedstocks for bioethanol production. Dion will join David Maresca's group in the development of a biomolecular ultrasound pH sensor based on acoustic reporter proteins (gas vesicles).

13 maart 2020

Paulina Siuryte joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Paulina Siuryte joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Paulina Siuryte is a recent physics graduate from University in Surrey, UK. During her research year placement, she has worked with gamma-ray spectroscopy group in TRIUMF (Vancouver, Canada). Her project in TU Delft will be focused on researching new imaging biomarkers with Quantitative MRI. Her supervisor is Sebastian Weingärtner.

09 maart 2020

Peter Speets joined ImPhys as PhD student

Peter Speets joined ImPhys as PhD student

Peter Speets will work on a method to measure the composition and particle size distribution of a turbid sample using optical coherence tomography (OCT). His supervisor is Jeroen Kalkman.

05 maart 2020

Henk van den Brink joined ImPhys as MSc student

Henk van den Brink joined ImPhys as MSc student

Henk van den Brink will work on the project: ‘Areal shot record technology for efficient inversion’. His supervisor is Eric Verschuur.

25 februari 2020

ZonMw Offroad grant for Sebastian Weingärtner

ZonMw Offroad grant for Sebastian Weingärtner

Sebastian Weingärtner was awarded a ZonMw OffRoad grant. This grant scheme funds out of the box proposals in medical research. In this project we will develop novel MRI scan techniques to detect remodeling in the esophagus, before it can turn into cancer.

24 februari 2020

NWO-XS Grant for Daan Brinks

NWO-XS Grant for Daan Brinks

Daan Brinks has been awarded a grant in NWO’s XS scheme. In this proposal a new kind of protein is being investigated for its use as a voltage imaging contrast agent.

24 februari 2020

Marco Locarno joined Imphys as a PhD student

Marco Locarno joined Imphys as a PhD student

Marco Locarno joined Imphys as a PhD student in the lab of Daan Brinks. He will work on ultrafast spectroscopy of membrane proteins in their native cellular environments.

14 februari 2020

Elementary school pupils meet professors

Elementary school pupils meet professors

TU Delft has reached the age of 178 and celebrates this occasion with Delft primary school pupils. On Wednesday 29 January, 25 TU Delft professors gave a guest lecture to pupils from group 7 and 8 at various primary schools in Delft as part of Meet the Professor, an event organised by the WIJStad programme and the TU Delft 'Wetenschapsknooppunt'. On behalf of ImPhys Bernd Rieger participated.

14 februari 2020

Two articles in ultrafast electron microscopy by Lixin Zhang

Two articles in ultrafast electron microscopy by Lixin Zhang

Lixin Zhang, guest student in the groups of Pieter Kruit and Jacob Hoogenboom, has published two papers on pulsed sources for ultrafast electron microscopes (UEMs).

14 februari 2020

Natalie Kreuk joined ImPhys as MSc student

Natalie Kreuk joined ImPhys as MSc student

Natalie Kreuk will work on “Inversion of multi-channel acoustic measurements from a complex refractory wall”. Her supervisor is Eric Verschuur.


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