Prof.dr. Stephen J. Picken

Full Professor

  • +31 (0)15 27 86946
  • Chair Polymer Materials
    Advanced Soft Matter, ASM
    Building 58, D2.380
    Van der Maasweg 9
    2629 HZ Delft
    The Netherlands

    Management Assistant
    Veby Agus
    +31 (0)15 27 82682

Stephen Picken is professor of polymer materials at TU Delft. He started his career studying experimental and theoretical physics at Groningen University. After obtaining his drs. degree, in 1985, he worked at Akzo (Nobel) corporate research Arnhem while pursuing his PhD from Utrecht University (1990, cum-laude, promotores Prof.dr. H.N.W. Lekkerkerker, Dr.Ir. M.G. Northolt). He is a specialist in physical structure-property relationships in polymeric and liquid crystalline materials, in particular related to mechanical, optical, and functional properties (ultra-high performance fibres, optical displays elements, ionic polymer electrolytes, self-healing polymer nano-composites). His recent focus is on bio-based polymer materials sourced from waste treatment processes: the Kaumera® glycoprotein from industrial and municipal wastewater and the aliphatic biopolyester PHBV obtained from food & agricultural waste, and wastewater treatment processes.

Academic background

Kandidaats exam Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, February 1981

Drs. (= MSc.) RU Groningen, Solid State & Theoretical Physics (Gemengde Natuurkunde), March 1985, supervised by Prof. dr. W.H. de Jeu, Dr. L.P.G. Dalmolen, Prof.dr. H.G. Berendsen, Prof.dr. W.F. Van Gunsteren.

PhD (Cum Laude): “Orientational Order in Aramid Solutions”, Utrecht, October 1990 promotores: Prof.dr. H.N.W. Lekkerkerker (Utrecht) & M.G. Northolt (Akzo Nobel).

  • +31 (0)15 27 86946
  • Chair Polymer Materials
    Advanced Soft Matter, ASM
    Building 58, D2.380
    Van der Maasweg 9
    2629 HZ Delft
    The Netherlands

    Management Assistant
    Veby Agus
    +31 (0)15 27 82682


Liquid Crystals
Liquid Crystal Polymers
Polymer Nanocomposites
