Robbert van Putten

I obtained my BSc (2015) and MSc (2017) in chemical engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. After industrial internships at Shell Global Solutions and ASML, I joined the ISE group in January 2018.

At the ISE group at TU Delft I work on experimental studies of selective hydrogenation catalysis and catalyst development for sustainable chemistry. I like working on the interface of chemical engineering and chemistry and am particularly interested in high-throughput technologies and automation. Recently I spent five months in the USA at MIT in the group of prof. Klavs. F. Jensen to work on automated microfluidic screening and optimisation equipment for high pressure gas/liquid catalytic applications.

Robbert van Putten

PhD Candidate

  • TU Delft / Faculty of Applied Sciences,

    Department of Chemical Engineering,

    Building 58 – Room E1.120

    Van der Maasweg 9, 2629 HZ Delft