Sophia Rupprecht

My name is Sophia and on May 1st 2024, I started working as a new Ph.D. student at the PSE section with Artur Schweidtmann's research group. The topic of the Ph.D. project is focused on exploring the opportunities and limits of applying language models in chemical process engineering.

I have visited the PI research group once before, when I came to Delft in 2023 for my master's thesis. At the time, I was pursuing a master’s degree in chemical engineering following my bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, both at RWTH Aachen University in Germany.


  • Chemical engineering
  • Machine learning
  • Process simulation and modeling
  • Automation


  • MSc in Chemical Engineering, 2023
    RWTH Aachen University

  • BSc in Mechanical Engineering, 2021
    RWTH Aachen University

Sophia Rupprecht

PhD candidate