Chengtian Cui

This postdoc position focuses on Process Systems Engineering (PSE) activities in the REMAP2 project, in collaboration with TNO, Ecomatters, CB&I / McDermott, SWERIM, and Sulzer.

REMAP2 will develop a process for producing methanol that is 100% electrically driven and eliminates the energy deficit in separation by drastically reducing the energy consumption in the methanol-water distillation. This is done through using a closed loop heat pump assisted distillation system (cl-HPAD) in downstream processing which brings a significant energy benefit (80% reduction compared reference process and 25% reduction compared to the next best heat pump assisted technology).

This postdoc project covers activities related to the modelling of the closed-loop heat pump assisted distillation (cl-HPAD), the process and system modelling using rigorous process simulators (Aspen Plus), and performing a techno-economic evaluation taking into account sustainability metrics (e.g. material/energy/water intensity).

Chengtian Cui
