I am actively and enthusiastically involved in the following education activities:
BSc programme Life Science and Technology
Delft University of Technology and Leiden University
(IMB Staff Technicians and PhD students)
Acquiring practical skills, ranging from the handling of microorganisms, through pipetting to working with bioreactors, is essential for both Life Science and Technology and the research in our group. Not surprisingly, many PhD students and staff technicians of the IMB group supervise the 1st or 2nd year Biotechnology practicals.
Reading materials for this practical are in Dutch. Supervision English/Dutch.
MSc programme Life Science and Technology
Delft University of Technology
Many innovations in modern biotechnology are driven by the spectacular developments in genomics and synthetic biology. This course focuses on recent developments in this field and, in particular, how molecular techniques can be applied to study and improve existing and novel industrial biotechnological processes. In addition to lectures and group discussions, the course consists of computer exercises.
This course is taught in English
Advanced Course
(course director Jean-Marc Daran, lecturers include IMB staff members Pascale Daran-Lapujade, Jean-Marc Daran, Jack Pronk). This course is taught biannually, next edition is expected in 2018
A one-week intensive course on the fascinating applications of modern genomics techniques in industrial fermentation processes, ranging from beer fermentation to biofuels production.