Societal Integration

Eelco de Groot

Impact assessment

Matthew Pentecost

Cost-Benefit analysis

Green and Convenience (Topsector Energy)

The Green and Convenience (Groen en Gemak) project investigates if residents can be encouraged to think ‘greener’ in and around their houses by reducing (psychological) barriers. For example, by offering combined attic insulation and attic cleaning. In this project, TU Delft researchers with a background in environmental psychology work in a technical environment, while applying quantitative research methods.


Engaging citizens

Energy Cooperatives are an important means to engage citizens in the energy transition. The European project REScoop Plus explores ways and analyses best practices to stimulate engagement of energy saving tools by energy cooperatives, and lower energy use by cooperative members. TU Delft provides expertise on the behavioural impact of the best practices on the cooperative members, and on behavioural changes due to the cooperative engagement with the energy cooperatives themselves.