Program Reflective Engineer

We aim for meaningful reflection in education, where students and lecturers learn to relate their inner perspective to other perspectives, other people, the environment, external incentives and goals. Reflection is not just a thought experiment, it is applied in practice. It needs to be trained, by being confronted with (situated) examples and offering the space and support to be guided through them.

TU Delft Vision on Teaching & Learning 2024-2030
Read the TU Delft Vision on
Teaching & Learning 2024-2030

Reflection in Engineering Education

Reflection can mean different things can have different definitions, in different fields of application, in different contexts. It involves abstract connections and perspective-taking, and is often associated with dealing with emotions and vulnerability.

Context Specific

Relevant & necessary step,
Not as afterthought,
Tailor made,
Context factors (practical and cultural)

Multiple perspectives

To explore other perspectives, other truths, and novel ways


Not knowledge about reflection
Experience impact
Going out of comfort zone in a (socially) safe way


Perspective influence how we relate and influence the world.
Deeper relfection through dialogue betwee the inside perspective and outside perspective (and inside the inside perspective).
It causes, or is able to cause, change: small (e.g., insight), or big (e.g., behavioral change).


Actual | Fictional dialogue
With peers | supervisors
Fictive characters | Books | Movies | ...

“I have become more confident in asking for help, and learned to be less afraid of interacting with people in a higher position than me.”

Student, RISBO Survey Reflective Engineer 2024
"RISBO Survey Reflective Engineer 2024"

Reflective Engineer Program

Tools & Education

Context specific, for teachers to learn from and use themselves


For (new) teachers, mentors, teacher trainers, specific roles or goals, ...

Systemic innovation

Feasible and durable innovations, awareness redesign

Disseminating Knowledge

papers, workshops, talks, research

Get in Touch

Looking to enhance your education through thoughtful reflection? 

Send us an email

We can assist with everything from tackling the basics of reflection in a course to comprehensive curriculum revision, whether you're working with an existing format or starting from scratch.

“Reflection felt like something I had to add, but I now see how it can make students think differently and possibly more deeply about the content.”

Researcher-Lecturer, RISBO Survey Reflective Engineer 2024
"RISBO Survey Reflective Engineer 2024"

The people behind the program