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Appendix A. Overviews

Appendix B. Overview of framework per level

Appendix C. Assessment formats

Appendix D. Assessment responsibilities (RACI)

In this appendix, so called RACI matrices (a responsibility assignment matrix) describe the assessment responsibilities. These matrices indicate per task who is accountable (finally responsible) for this task (indicated by ‘A’), who is responsible (R) for conducting task for the accountable person, who needs to be consulted on this task (C), and who should be informed of the outcome (I). If a letter is between brackets (), this means that this person is only responsible, consulted, or informed, in situations that require this (as opposed to always). Hence ‘R’ means that this person carries out a task related to the activity, not that they are responsible, since this is indicated by an ‘A’.
The right column indicates what the sources are of the accountability and of the consultancy requirements (if available). The responsible (R) and informed (I) people are based on current (or desired) processes. NB. ‘consulted’ can imply both that this body needs to give consent, or that they need to be consulted. 

Appendix E. Organisational differences between faculties

This appendix gives an overview of the main organisational differences between faculties that are relevant for assessment. 

Appendix F. Glossary, abbreviations & translations

Anchor Links Example

sss) Mentioned in model Faculty Regulations art. 7.8 sub 1 and art. 9.3 sub e
ttt) A checklist with required content of the cover page can be found in the TU Delft assessment manual16.
uuu) The format was improved by the Taskforce Regulations (werkgroep regelgeving) and P&I, after which the chairs of the boards of examiners were consulted in their meeting in May 2023.
vvv) See