Image © Paracelsus Medical University
Improving healthcare practices in Nepal
Basic care in Nepal is organised through primary health centers in urban areas and health-posts in rural areas. More complex healthcare services including surgery are provided at a variety of general and specialised hospitals. Infectious diseases are responsible for the majority of diseases and deaths in Nepal with epidemics of Cholera, Typhoid fever and Rabies in the recent past and the rise of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria forming an ongoing threat to public health. Additionally, hospital acquired infections are considered a great concern. Hospitals also struggle to procure, clean and maintain hospital equipment, leading to operational problems.
Strict protocols for instrument decontamination and waste management can reduce the number of hospital acquired infections. However, effective protocols require a deep understanding of the context, current practice and knowledge level of employees. TU Delft students have investigated this context at Dulikhel Hospital, created course material to educate employees and implemented changes in the sterilisation department. In collaboration with the Nick Simon's Institute, other TU Delft students made an inventory of hospital equipment management in 15 hospitals, leading to recommendations for equipment registration and maintenance protocols. Both of these projects are ongoing and prospective interns are welcome to contact Jenny Dankelman.
Additionally, project descriptions suitable for both internships and graduations are listed here.