Grant information

Erasmus+ Study Scholarships are available to TU Delft students who will study at a partner university within the EU for 2 to 12 months.
TU Delft can provide financial support for a maximum of 360 days of a stay abroad per study cycle (BSc/MSc).

Exchange students AY 2023-2024
The information on this webpage has been updated for students planning to go abroad for their study programme in 2024-2025. Students who have been, or are currently, on an exchange programme should refer to their Grant Agreement for more specific information about their grant. The information below is only for exchange students going abroad in the next academic year for a study programme.

Exchange Students AY 2024-2025
Depending on where your exchange programme takes place, the countries listed in Table A indicates the monthly amount of scholarship you will receive. In addition to this monthly amount, all students will receive an additional travel grant (called No Green Travel) based on the distance from TU Delft to the Host University. Distances are calculated using a distance band between TU Delft Aula as the place of origin, and the venue of the activity for your Erasmus+ mobility (main address of the host institute).

Table A: 





Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, Liechtenstein, Norway

€390 per month


Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Turkey

€330 per month

Please note that a calculation will be made on the basis that one month is equivalent to 30 days.

Table B provides an overview of the travel distance, travel grant (No Green Travel) and green travel grant (Green travel). The ‘No Green travel’ amount (one-time payment) will be paid to all students going on exchange, with the first 70% payment. If you travel sustainably to and from your destination, you will receive a one-time payment of the ‘Green Travel’ amount with the last payment of 30%.

Example of calculation:

Travel distance to host 150 km, student receives €211,- from the No Green Travel grant with their first payment.
Student travels green and will receive the remaining amount of €74,-  with their second payment.

Table B:

You cannot apply for an Erasmus+ grant for studies in Switzerland. Instead,  the Swiss university may be able to apply for a grant for you via the Swiss European Mobility Programme. Contact your Swiss host university for details. 

Additional financial support for students

For students planning to go abroad for the academic year 2024-2025, the Erasmus+ Scholarship has additional ‘top ups” available.

Inclusion Top Up

Students with fewer opportunities who plan to study abroad could be eligible to apply for an inclusion top up. Students facing health and/or economic barriers may receive an inclusion top up of 250EURO per month (per 30 days). If you fall in to both groups, you may upload a DUO-statement OR a medical statement, whichever is preferable for you. It is advisable to contact your host university to find out more about their own support network and guidance before your start date. 

Please note: Should this Top Up amount not be sufficient to enable you to go abroad and/or you are not able to provide the required proof, please send an email to  

Data Protection GDPR/AVG

All required documentation containing personal data provided by students for the application of additional support will be handled with the utmost care and in doing so acts within the law, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The processing of personal data by TU Delft within the EU Erasmus+ scholarship administration is carried out according to the Privacy Statement. This data will also be shared with the European Commission, (scholarship provider), staff of TU Delft and the E+ national agency who are responsible for carrying out the Erasmus+ programme.

EU Academy - Online Language Support

Students going abroad within the Erasmus+ framework have the opportunity to access OLS language courses in both their mobility language and the official local language(s) of their destination. They have the opportunity to complete an Online Linguistic Assessment via the EU Academy. Based on the results students will be automatically allocated a language course or can choose an online language training.