
Hieronder vind je een actueel overzicht van het stage-aanbod. Dit kan je ook vinden op het bord in de hal van de faculteit, rechts naast de Applied Labs. Aan de rechterkant vind je een aantal bedrijven die continue stageplekken aanbieden. Daarnaast kun je kijken op de volgende websites: 

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Wil je een stage in het buitenland gaan regelen, bestudeer dan de informatie onder Buitenland  en
bekijk de reisadviezen van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, zie
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Inkomende stagiaires van buiten de TU Delft worden verwezen naar de informatiepagina
TU Delft  van de faculteiten. Hier kun je de faculteit selecteren waar je stage wilt lopen en van daaruit contact opnemen met de betreffende afdeling, een begeleider, een professor of een interessante track zoeken. Alle faculteiten verschillen in de stagemogelijkheden voor studenten. Houd er rekening mee dat niet alle faculteiten stagiaires accepteren.

Internship opportunities

2024-07-22 | Internship SPD industrial design (Trem, Madrid)

We are Trem, an Industrial Design and Engineering studio with more than 20 years of experience and based in Madrid, Spain. Our aim is transforming ideas into innovative and outstanding products with high value market competition. We are looking for a student of Master's regarding Strategic Product Design who can join the team, preferably on a face-to-face or hybrid basis, although other scenarios could be considered.

2024-07-22 | Internship Junior Business Builder (Fugro, Leidschendam)

We are seeking a highly motivated Junior Business Builder Intern to join our team on an exciting new marine-related project. This role is ideal for fresh graduates or students about to graduate, particularly those with backgrounds in Engineering, Biology, or Oceanography. You will play a key role in identifying market opportunities, developing business models, and driving the initial stages of business growth. Initially, you will work with publicly available data, and later manage new data influxes as the service evolves.

2024-07-09 | Stage Onderzoek en ontwerp opdracht voor RFL (Rode Kruis, Den Haag)

De missie van het Rode Kruis is het voorkomen en verzachten van menselijk lijden. Waar dan ook, ongeacht status, en het beschermen van levens en gezondheid en het waarborgen van respect voor de mens. Dit doen wij door het vergroten van de weerbaarheid van mensen zodat zij zichzelf en anderen kunnen helpen in noodsituaties. Daarnaast bieden wij noodhulp en vergroten we de hulpvaardigheid en hulpbereidheid. Het Rode Kruis helpt in Nederland samen met meer dan veertientienduizend vrijwilligers Noodhulp, Evenementenhulp, Eerste Hulp (onderwijs) en Burgerhulp.

2024-07-02 | Internship UX/UI Design, Accenture

We’re a fun-loving team of clever, passionate people. We think, we plot, and we create products and experiences that help our clients solve problems and seize opportunities.   Our work includes crafting digital products that people love, implementing industry-changing digital transformations and improving business performance using digital technology and data insights. We bridge the gap between brand promise and expectations - by creating transformative Experiences.  

2024-06-26 | Internship Concept & Design Intern for LEGO Education (LEGO, Billund/Denmark)

The LEGO Education Design team consists of highly skilled people across various functions such as Industrial Design, Digital Design, UX and Model Design. Design research is driving our decision-making processes, and we pride ourselves in being highly iterative and agile in our methods

2024-06-04 | Internships Industrial Design (Studio F. A. Porsche, Zell Am See/Berlin/Ludwigsburg)

Would you like to get to know and help shape the world of design at Porsche? Take your next steps into professional life at Studio F. A. Porsche with an internship in industrial design. We offer the opportunity to participate in exciting projects within the company as well as for external customers worldwide in a wide variety of product categories. You will be involved in every phase of our design process developing the perfect symbiosis of form and function.

2024-06-03 | Internship Wastewater treatment plants of the future brine treatment (Nijhuis Saur Industries, Doetinchem)

The goal of this internship project is to develop a process which will separate the ion-exchange brine into a valuable nitrogen fertilizer, a clean brine suitable for reuse in the process, and a small waste stream which can be discharged. During this internship you will investigate the feasibility of new brine treatment concepts by the combination of lab and pilot experiments with theoretical calculations.

2024-06-03 | Internship Strategy (Future Mobility Network, Delft)

We are on the lookout for an entrepreneurial and creative innovator to envision the mobility of the future. Are you ready to change the way people and goodsare transported in the urban environment? Become a forefront rummer in the mobility transition.

2024-06-03 | Internship Ozonation for micropollutant removal (Nijhuis Saur Industries, Doetinchem)

The goal of this internship is to develop and optimize our oxidation installation for the removal of micropollutants from wastewater. The internship project will be carried out by performing a series of laboratory experiments to find the optimal operational conditions and compare this to the full scale ozone systems. Furthermore, investigating process optimizations will be part of the assignment.

2024-06-03 | Intern Brand Marketing Optimel (FrieslandCampina, Amersfoort)

Wil jij graag stage lopen bij één van de mooiste merken van Nederland? Voor ons merk Optimel zoeken we per 1 augustus 2024 een ambitieuze marketing stagiair(e). Het gaat om een meewerkstage (4 of 5 dagen) gedurende een periode van 6 maanden.