Dr. G. (George) Lavidas

Dr. G. (George) Lavidas



Dr. George Lavidas is an Assistant Professor of Marine Renewable Energies at the Offshore Engineering group, and Head of the Marine Renewable Energies Lab (MREL). George has a PhD from the University of Edinburgh, he has been the recipient of the prestigious Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship. In 2022 he was included among the top 2% of the most influential scientists, according to the Standford World’s Top Scientists.

His primary focus is the development of technologies through interdisciplinary methodologies that accelerate the energy transition. Within his research interests are renewable energy generation, ocean modelling, resource assessments, wind & ocean energies, wave farm arrays, extreme waves, wave statistics, Climate Change, and integration of marine renewables.


George is Principal Investigator for several International and National multi million Euro projects. He is an expert for the European Commission in HORIZON 2020, HORIZON Europe and as country level evaluator. Prior to his return to academia, he held several positions in international consultancies, and energy companies.

GHe is steering committee member in the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) JP Ocean, European Ocean Research and Education Alliance (EORA), the TU Delft Wind Energy Institute (DU WIND), the TU Delft Ocean Energy Platform, workgroup leader at WECANEt a Wave Energy COST Action (CA17105), Vice Chair of International Integrated Wave Energy Research Group (IIWER). He is a Scientific contributor for the United Nations World Ocean Assessment (WOA), National, and international organisation and has contributed to several roadmaps on marine renewables. He is a reviewer at several journals, Editor in Special Issues and Scientific committee at international conferences (such as EURODYN, EWTEC, RENEW, etc). He has ≥85 peer-reviewed publications in the field of marine and renewable energies.



Dr Lavidas has been awarded and leading, as Principal Investigator (PI), several research projects, most notably:

2023 PI in the WECHULL+ a European project that aims to Sustainable Concrete Material Leading to Improved Substructures for Offshore Renewable Energy Technologies, for offshore solar, and wave energy converters.

2022 PI at the TKI Deltaworks funded project Dutch - Wave And Tidal Energy ResourceS (Dutch-WATERS), that provides valuable climate information for offshore energy farms (wave and tidal), coastal protection/climate resilient infrastructure and the Dutch energy system.

2021 PI of the EC (EU Green Deal) EC funded project: European Scalable Complementary Offshore Renewable Energy Sources (EU-SCORES: Project ID 101036457), awarded by HORIZON 2020. The aim of the project is to prove that the efficient and effective use of offshore renewables (wind-wave-solar) is pivotal in the transition of the EU to become a net-zero economy in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 

2020 PI of the EC funded project: Verification through Accelerated testing Leading to Improved wave energy Designs (VALID, Project ID: 101006927), awarded by HORIZON 2020. The aim of the project is to de-risk wave energy converters design in terms of components reliability and survivability by developing an integrated and open platform for the testing of critical components and subsystems. 

2018 PI of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship for his research project WAVREP (WAVe Resource for Electrical Production, Project ID: 787344), focus of the project was to accelerate the wave energy outreach and technological considerations for Wave Energy Converters (WECs). 

Since 2015 he has concluded several consultancy projects in the fields of marine energies, offshore wind, resource assessment (solar-wind-wave), feasibility analysis, engineering design, and economic evaluations for commercial projects.


George Lavidas has received multiple awards: his project WAVREP received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 787344. 

He was granted a 4-year (PhD) scholarship from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). In 2018 he received the "Promising Researcher" travel grant to Saga University in Japan. Throughout 2018-2020 George was awarded the Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing by Renewable Energy.


More detail information on his research can be found in:

Google Scholar

Research Gate

PURE (TU Delft repository)


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