Efficient and Secure Airports
subproject 1:
Project focus: Efficient and Secure Airports
In the first project a simulation tool is used to simulate the movement of passengers at the airport terminal. With the developed simulation tool, different scenarios and security setups at airports can be simulated. This will benefit airports, as they will then have a better understanding of how their customers move through and behave in the airport environment. It will also provide airports with insights in the effects that (future) security decisions have on the overall efficiency of the airport.
The video below gives an impression of the capabilities of the simulator, which is currently under development. It shows a simulation of some important processes in an airport terminal. They include the general movement of passengers, the check-in of passengers, security check at the checkpoint among other elements. The simulator keeps track of the efficiency of the airport (i.e. queuing time, time to gate, check-in processing time, employee costs, etc.) and what the performance is of the simulated security measures.
TU Delft - Efficient and Secure Airports
The key objectives for the project are the following:
- Develop the simulator such that it simulates processes at an airport ‘well enough’
- Development of a good (and mathematical) definition for airport efficiency
- Development of a good (and mathematical) definition for airport security
- Produce meaningful advice for airports on the topics of efficiency, security and their intersection
Research Team:
- Prof. dr. R. Curran (Air Transport & Operations group)
- Prof. dr. K.G. Langendoen (Embedded Software group)
- dr. O.A. Sharpanskykh (Air Transport & Operations group)
- S.A.M. Janssen, MSc (Both groups)