Memory tree

As a gift to all the speakers and chairs of the SIET 2021 conference - to thank them for their contributions - we had a tree planted. An oak, to be more precisely, in a dedicated forest near Odoorn in the northeast part of the Netherlands.
Why a tree? Trees are climate-savers and therefore much needed for a successful energy transition. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into the oxygen people need to live. Additionally, the carbon becomes part of the tree and is stored as wood.
This gift is very sustainable since it will be taken care of for at least 25 years by Staatsbosbeheer: a leading national public body commissioned by the Dutch government to strengthen the position of nature in the Netherlands. Our oak is accompanied by a plaque with the text: “This oak is for all speakers of the TU Delft conference on “Social Innovation: Next Steps in the Energy Transition” (18-19 November 2021).” The oak is part of a “Forest of the Future” which connect nicely to the conference theme on the next steps! This forest has the shape of a flower that will be visible on Google Earth when the trees are growing bigger.

Location tree

Our oak is accompanied by a plaque with the text: “This oak is for all speakers of the TU Delft conference on “Social Innovation: Next Steps in the Energy Transition” (18-19 November 2021).