Improved Features

Changes to the font

With the launch of v10, we've also made some minor changes to the header fonts; where previously the Roboto font was used as our ultralight H1, H2 and H3, we've substituted this for the more accessible Roboto Slab font. This change also affects buttons, sliders, notifications and all elements containing labels

New font styling

Previous Font styling

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Improved layout elementwizard

Ever notice how cluttered and lacking any overview the previous element wizard was? Or how it was flooded with rare elements you never needed, but pushed the much needed elements out of sight?

Good news then! v10 changed the wizard to a more manageable interface, improving the layout and adding a search bar. We've also cleaned up the clutter by grouping the much used elements and seperating them from the lesser used items.

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Improved tab-styling

Feedback regarding the tab-element often focussed on the way all tabs were styled and how they were hard to tell apart and most suggestions made revolved around giving the active tab a background color in order to make the tabs more intuitive.

So, we've improved the tab-styling, by letting you select the (active tab) theme-color, just like you would for cards or notification elements, and we've made a slight adjustment to the tab's title font, changing it from Arial to Roboto Slab.

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Redirect management

Although less relevant for most editors, but a huge gain for administrators, is the introdution of a dedicated redirect managementtool within TYPO3. In our previous installation, we could manage redirect to a certain degree, either through shortcut records or an additional tool for single redirects. But with v10 comes a new module focussed entirely on redirect management, giving us the necessary tools to create both single redirects as well as regex redirects.

Also, whenever you change a pageslug, TYPO3 will now automatically configure a temporary redirect, making sure visitors dont get confronted with 404 errors every time we change any pagetitle.

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