Call for Proposals 2025

The TU Delft Open Science programme puts a strong emphasis on developing open education as one of its two programme branches. Open education empowers educators and students, and couples the values of accessibility, inclusion, equity and diversity with educational innovations such as the increasing role of digital technologies in education, blended learning, and growing emphasis on students’ autonomy in educational processes. To support our staff in innovating their courses with open education, and take part in the implementation of TU Delft’s Open Educational Resources (OER) Policy, the Open Science Programme is announcing the third Edition of the Open Education Stimulation Fund. The fund invites TU Delft staff to submit a proposal for open education projects for a funding of up to €20.000,- with a maximum duration of 1 year.

Open from 9 December 2024 - 10 February 2025

For all teaching staff working at faculties of TUDelft

Project budget: max €20.000