Tandem Delft tries to build bridges between students on language basis. We encourage students to learn a new language

Tandem Delft has a website, language.tudelft.nl, which is the core of our association. Here students can sign up and find other students who want to learn a new language. Since everyone lists the languages they know and that they want to learn, you can find your “language buddy”, who knows the language you want to learn and who wants to learn one of the languages you know. This is what we call the passive part since the committee of Tandem Delft has no active roll in this other than keeping the website online.
Apart from this, Tandem Delft also has an active part. The active part exists of all the events that Tandem Delft organises each month. We have a monthly Dutch Speaking Night and in the Spring we organise a Language Festival for example. All of the events are visible on our Facebook Page.


Language Festival

Each year in the spring we have a Language Festival. This is two weeks full of evening activities around Language and Culture. The aim for this project is not only Dutch and International Students, but we also try to get the non-student population of Delft interested in coming to the Language Festival. In 2019, more than 200 visitors came to our 7 activities.

Dutch Speaking Nights

every month, we get together and enhance the speaking ability of anyone who wants to learn Dutch


every few months we have a workshop on a specific language or something related to language or culture. We had a Calligraphy workshop last year.

Potluck Dinners

everyone will cook a dish and brings it to the table, there we eat together from all the dishes and talk about the food itself.

Movie Night

every few months we watch a movie in a certain language with English subtitles, normally the movies are culturally acclaimed.