Career prospects
With an MSc in Geomatics you are on the leading edge of a very new, highly relevant, exciting and rapidly expanding field with excellent career opportunities. The recent increase in geo-information use has created a huge need for qualified engineers. Geomatics graduates are specialists with a broad base who are able to position themselves across the entire breadth of the Geomatics spectrum. The Geomatics working field is expanding quickly so there is ample opportunity to find a position that suits you best or to start your own company.
Governmental and private organisations (companies)
Geomatics graduates find positions in local and national governmental agencies such as the Dutch Kadaster, Geonovum and the municipalities of Rotterdam, Amsterdam and The Hague. Their activities range from data gathering and information processing to project initiation and management. Others take positions in the private sector with industrial firms and consultancy agencies. This can be at companies like TomTom, Here (the geo-component of Nokia), Tracé (secondment or traineeships), Google, CGI or ESRI.
PhD research
There are also numerous opportunities to continue in research. Once you have graduated, you can begin on a PhD if you would like to strengthen your research skills. A PhD generally takes about four years at TU Delft to complete. At any one time, approximately 1000 candidates are working on their doctorates at the university. For further information on PhD programmes at TU Delft, visit the PhD page.