Daan Bouman - Environmental Engineering

One year we see extreme drought, the next we see rainfall of such intensity that our cities flood…. there is a great need for engineering solutions to help humans adapt to living in these extreme conditions.

Why did you choose this programme?

One year we see extreme drought and record temperatures, the next we see rainfall of such intensity that our cities flood. Whilst a lot of people are now waking up to the reality that action needs to be taken to reduce our impact on the climate, significant change in the climate is already here. As such, there is a great need for engineering solutions to help humans adapt to living in these extreme conditions. This is what made me interested in the field of environmental engineering and this programme.

What’s a highlight of the programme?

Definitely the hydrology fieldwork trip to Luxembourg. We prepared our own research question and planned out experiments for in the field. My group worked on measuring environmental tracers throughout a stream network. We learned about the distribution of flow and how the response times of streams to rain events differs depending on the surrounding land use. Performing these experiments involved hiking along the stream and taking electrical conductivity measurements at stream confluences.

Learning about the challenges of doing research in the field was truly an eye opener for me and has helped me greatly in understanding and respecting the value of quality data. Also the hike with Dr. Hrachowitz is an experience you don’t want to miss!

What will you do after the programme?

When I started the programme, I wasn’t sure which direction I wanted to go. Having now completed the track modules, I know that I want a career in this field. Whether that be in managing polder systems, improving water resilience in cities, or working on large water management structures.\


Published 2024